Western Michigan Christian



The primary emphasis of the Bible curriculum is the integration of faith, church and family in the lives of its students. The aim of this department is to discover, disseminate, and disclose the Kingdom’s agenda to a world that has been separated by sin from the purpose and plan of God. Students will be challenged to move to the forefront of religious freedom and to become healthy, contributing members of the body of Christ.

OLD TESTAMENT STUDIES: This course is the study of the Old Testament.  This study will give us insight into God’s relationship with His people, how God established a covenantal relationship with His chosen nation and provided redemption and atonement for them.  Students will learn how to read this unique, ancient book; how to pay attention to contexts, including the historical-cultural one; and how the many stories form one story with Christ at the center of it all.

THE GOSPELS: This course is the study of the Gospels and the historical context of the Gospels.  The course begins with the Babylonian captivity and return, then looks briefly at the Inter-testamental period and then focuses primarily on the four Gospels.  The historical, cultural and geographical setting of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ is also emphasized.

PROPHETS: This course will examine the Old Testament prophets in light of the general trend of prophecy in Israel and the ancient Near East. The primary objective of the course is to understand the life and message of prophets in relation to the events, ideas, traditions, problems, etc., of their own time. We will study the prophets in light of the exile, attempting to see the relationship between the historical setting and the prophetic message. Considerable attention will be given to the historical situation and religious social conditions to which the prophets addressed their messages. 

APOLOGETICS: This course will examine various contemporary worldviews and analyze how they stand up against a Christian worldview.  Students will explore some of the major religions of the world and compare those teachings with Christianity.  In addition, students will learn to defend the Christian faith by examining how the early church practiced apologetics and by answering difficult questions about Christianity faced by the modern-day church.   

ETHICS: Christian Ethics is a course designed to examine the basis for and the nature of Christian conduct from a biblical and theological context. The course will focus on how God calls us to make moral decisions in a fallen world that still belongs to God. A special emphasis will be given to tough questions of daily living, while keeping in mind our responsibility as Christians to be Christ’s ambassadors of grace.


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