Western Michigan Christian



In Christian art education, students study and produce works of art based on aesthetic and historical understanding. A comprehensive curriculum includes instruction in aesthetics, art history, art criticism and art-making. In all levels, students will be responsible for maintaining and developing a personal portfolio of their work. Students are also responsible for sketchbook work, quizzes and tests. All students are encouraged to develop their God-given talents through the use of creative expression. All art classes are elective.  

Art Works: A comprehensive and rotating art curriculum is provided at all levels and covers all media at various semesters. This course introduces students to the Elements of Art and Principles of Design while developing drawing skills and painting techniques. Studio experiences in the classroom will give students opportunities to experience a variety of media (pencil, pen, ink, charcoal, pastel, fibers, watercolor, acrylic or oil paint) while developing the student’s individual style and creative problem solving skills. The course allows students to culminate in an Independent project where students will be encouraged to explore personal Art goals. The elements of art and principles of design will be studied throughout the course. Students will also be responsible for sketchbook homework, quizzes and a written final exam.  You must take this class before you can take Drawing & Painting or Pottery. 


Video Production 1: Students will use their own digital camera and flash drive and the school’s Photo Shop program to utilize various camera techniques to embrace technology and use this to your advantage. Students will learn various ways to present their photos through framing and matting.


Pottery: This course introduces students to ideas executed in various ceramic hand construction techniques including slab, coil and mold. Students explore construction processes, clay and glaze materials, firing processes and use of equipment. Emphasis will be on process and exploration. Every other year students will have the opportunity to take a Studio Pottery course. This selection will be offered to those who have already completed basic Pottery and are looking to advance their skills and explore pottery further. 

Drawing & Painting: Spend an entire semester learning the Art of drawing through the use of various tools, papers and surfaces. Use of pencil, colored pencil, charcoal, pastels, oil pastels, pen and ink, crayon and mixed media will be introduced in new and interesting ways. Students will learn various ways to present their drawings through framing and matting. All Students will also be responsible for sketchbook homework, quizzes and a written final exam.  In addition to drawing, students will also study the various mediums of painting. Students will explore watercolors, acrylics and oils as well as mixed media. Step by step brush and palette knife techniques will be taught, care of paint and tools on different surfaces as well as art history. All Students will also be responsible for sketchbook homework, quizzes and a written final exam. Every other year students will have the opportunity to take a Studio Drawing & Painting course. This selection will be offered to those who have already completed the original Drawing & Painting course and are looking to advance their skills further.

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