Western Michigan Christian



Music is among the fine arts that can further spiritual growth, inspire further study of our world, and develop creativity and expression. Students develop skills to help them appreciate quality music, to provide aesthetic experiences, and, most importantly, to praise our God. The goals of the Music Department include nurturing four aspects for a balanced learning process: to grow in the craft of music and technical ability (to develop the body), to grow intellectually (to develop the mind), to inspire (to develop the soul), and to grow personally (to develop the heart). All courses offered are elective, full-year courses. Placement of students enrolling in performing groups requires the consent of the instructor.


CONCERT BAND: This course welcomes all 9th through 12th grade students with previous band experience.  During this course students will advance their fundamental skills of playing an instrument in an ensemble setting.  Musicians will have some evening performances throughout the year, including, but not limited to, a Fall concert, Christmas concert, Pep Band performances at varsity athletic events, a Spring concert and at WMC’s graduation ceremony.  Band members will also compete in Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association (MSBOA) Band Festival and have the opportunity to compete in MSBOA Solo and Ensemble Festival.


JAZZ BAND: This is an audition only ensemble that welcomes any 9th through 12th grade musician wanting to perform in a jazz ensemble.  Auditions take place in the Spring prior to the upcoming school year.  During this course jazz musicians will gain a deeper understanding of music theory and improvisation through the use of recordings, research, performance of jazz music from many different styles and performances.  Performances for this ensemble include, but are not limited to, a Fall concert, a Christmas concert and a Spring concert.  The jazz band will also perform during a variety of community events.


MIDDLE SCHOOL CHOIR: Middle School Choir is a non-auditioned choral group, open to all 7th and 8th grade students.  Repertoire encompasses SA & SAB literature at the primary level.  Members will work extensively on basic sight-reading skills, tone quality, articulation and performance protocol.  Students in the Middle School Choir will participate in the fall Choral Workshop Day, the Middle School Christmas Cafe, the Christian School Fine Arts Festival, Pops Concert and Spring Concert.  Students also have the option to participate in MSVMA Solo & Ensemble Festival.


WOMEN’S CHOIR: Women’s Choir is a non-auditioned choral group, open to 9th – 12th grade women.  Repertoire encompasses SA-SSAA literature at the primary to intermediate level.  Members will work extensively on basic sight-reading skills, tone quality, articulation and performance protocol.  Students in the Women’s Choir will participate in the fall Choral Workshop Day, Christmas Collage, MSVMA Choral Festival, Pops Concert and Spring Concert.  Students also have the option to participate in MSVMA Solo & Ensemble Festival.


MEN’S CHOIR: Men’s Choir is a non-auditioned choral group, open to 9th-12th grade men.  Repertoire encompasses TB-TTBB literature at the primary to intermediate level.  Members will work extensively on basic sight-reading skills, tone quality, articulation and performance protocol.  Students in the Men’s Choir will participate in the fall Choral Workshop Day, Christmas Collage, MSVMA Choral Festival, Pops Concert and Spring Concert. Students also have the option to participate in MSVMA Solo & Ensemble Festival.


CHAMBER CHOIR: Chamber Choir is an advanced mixed ensemble, composed of students from grades 10-12.  Auditions for the Chamber Choir take place in March for the following school year.  Repertoire encompasses SATB-SSAATTBB literature at the intermediate to advanced level.  Additionally, the choir divides into gender ensembles for the purpose of experiencing outstanding SSAA and TTBB repertoire.  Students in the Chamber Choir will participate in the fall Choral Workshop Day, Christmas Collage, MSVMA Choral Festival and Solo & Ensemble Festival, Pops Concert and Spring Concert.   In addition, the Chamber Choir is frequently invited to sing at community events and worship services in the area.  All Chamber Choir members are strongly encouraged to study voice privately, to hone their individual skills.   Students may audition and be admitted mid-year if spots become available due to course conflicts or attrition.

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