Western Michigan Christian


Middle School English

By nurturing the ability to communicate in words, the language arts celebrate one of God’s greatest gifts to us: that of expression. To make sense of God’s creation, we study various writers’ interpretations of life regarding our world and culture, as well as response to others and to God Himself. God’s people are also expected to communicate to the world His news of love and redemption. Accordingly, students are given opportunities to develop their communication skills in the classroom in a variety of ways: responding to literature in journals, reading logs, papers and discussion; writing research papers; reading a variety of literature; studying the English language; and writing and presenting speeches.


ENGLISH 7 (ELA7): English 7 addresses reading, writing, listening and speaking within a rigorous standards-based program.  Instruction will include reading comprehension, writing in narrative and expository modes, language conventions, vocabulary development in meaningful contexts, and reference skills.  Students will study various genres including the short story, novel, drama, biography, poetry, and informational materials.


ENGLISH 8 (ELA 8): English 8 addresses reading, writing, listening and speaking within a rigorous standards-based program.  Instruction will include reading comprehension, writing in narrative and expository modes, language conventions, vocabulary development in meaningful contexts, and reference skills. Students will study various genres including the short story, novel, drama, biography, poetry, and informational materials.  English 8 requires students to increase their use of critical thinking skills to include analysis, synthesis, and problem solving.

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