Western Michigan Christian



Worship in the Big Room Each Tuesday all WMC students, faculty and staff gather to worship in the Big Room. Chapel services consist of a time for praise songs and a devotional message. Students have heard messages from different pastors and ministry leaders from the community. MS and HS worship separately except for 3 times a year when the whole school worships together.

All WMC students participate in small groups in order to develop a sense of community and oneness in Christ. It also allows students the opportunity to get to know and worship with other students in different grades.  Small groups meet every Thursday during chapel time.

Why Small Groups?

  • Small groups help us to build relationships while emphasizing the importance of community.  Through community small groups help us to learn more about God and to learn more about ourselves through relationships with others. Small groups build and strengthen fellowship with each other.
  • God teaches us about the importance of relationships. In Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus says that the greatest commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all of your mind… and that the second greatest commandment is to Love your neighbor as yourself.”

God blesses us through our relationships with others!

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