Western Michigan Christian


The Western Michigan Christian School Board of Education exists to guide and uphold the mission of our school which is to educate with excellence, integrate faith with knowledge and equip our students to work and serve Christ in their communities.

We work to support our school’s core values:

  1. Christ-Centeredness: We shall forever remain committed to God’s truth and seek to keep Christ at the senter of all we do. We will nurture our students to become ambassadors for Christ in this world.
  2.  Stewardship: We shall use the gifts that God gives us wisely and teach our students and community members to do likewise. We will not incur any new debt as a school.
  3.  Academic Preparedness: Graduates of Western Michigan Christian will be prepared for their calling. This will include success in college and beyond.
  4.  Depth and Breadth: Western Michigan Christian will serve a broad Christian constituency and maintain rich programs that recognize God’s creativity and the variety of gifts He has given our students.
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