Western Michigan Christian

Who We Are

Our Mission

Western Michigan Christian’s mission is to educate with excellence, integrate faith with knowledge, equip students to work and serve Christ in their communities.

Statement of Faith

The mission of West Michigan Christian Schools is based on God’s infallible Word, the Bible, as explicated by the Reformed tradition; all association members subscribe to this summary:


There is one infinite, holy, loving, personal God who speaks to us in Scripture and reveals himself to us in His acts of creation, salvation, and renewal, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As finite human beings created in God’s image, we declare that it is our purpose and privilege to worship, honor, serve, and obey Him.


The world belongs to God, who created it and faithfully sustains it by His providence. Creation is the theater of God’s glory, displaying His power and majesty. God calls us to discover creation’s resources, to receive these gifts with thanksgiving and delight, and to use them wisely as stewards and caretakers who are responsible to God and to our neighbor.


Our ability to carry out our human calling to honor God, serve our neighbor, and care for the creation is marred by the corrosive effects of sin, which touches every part of life. When our first parents listened to Satan’s lie, questioned God’s Word, and rebelled against Him, they brought His judgment upon themselves, their posterity, and the creation. Brokenness, disease, hatred, arrogance, alienation, abuse of creation, and ultimately death are the inevitable fruits of sin in our world.


However, God has not rejected or abandoned His world but has turned to it in love. He gave the rainbow sign to Noah as a pledge of his promise to care for all creatures. He made a covenant with Abraham, promising to be a faithful God to him and his children, and through them to bless all nations. Through His servant Moses, God disclosed His law for the human community, promising rich blessing as the fruit of obedience. God always keeps His promises. We acknowledge with gratitude and joy that He is our God and the God of our children; that we are His people, and that this is His world.


As He promised, God in love sent Jesus Christ into the world to save it from sin and its consequences. The atoning death of the Son of God is the only payment for the debt of human sin, and Christ’s resurrection is the only liberation from the powers of evil and death. The victorious Lord sends the Holy Spirit to create faith, cleanse and renew hearts, and build a community of love and holiness. It is this community’s mission to proclaim and live this good news and to make disciples of nations.


Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and He reigns over all things for our good. To be a citizen of this kingdom is a privilege, a joy, and a responsibility. Led by His Spirit, we place our every thought, word, and deed in the service of Christ’s present and coming reign, and we live daily in the confident hope of His triumphant return.

All association members, including teachers, must subscribe to the following statements as accurate summaries of the Word of God about Christian education:


Each of our West Michigan Christian Schools, as an enterprise of the entire community, enables and equips all of its children to serve the Lord, to love their fellow human beings, and to care for God’s creation. The WMCS community provides an environment of love and care within which students are nurtured. As an indispensable partner with the home and the church, each school leads children to live according to Biblical wisdom.


Staff members of WMC Schools, are living in joyful fellowship with God, model the love of Christ to children. Empowered by the Holy Spirit and dedicated to the highest standards of excellence and professionalism, WMCS teachers view their work as a vocation. The calling of a WMCS teacher is to pass on the wisdom of the Christian tradition to students and to help them understand and apply the transforming power of the gospel to contemporary society and culture.


Children are God’s image bearers, entrusted to parents and the Christian community as His gifts. WMC Schools encourage students to develop their gifts in response to God and in loving service to fellow human beings. Students are led to know God and to respond to Him in every dimension of the creation and in every aspect of their lives.


The WMC Schools PK-12 curriculum is developed and organized so that children may come to know God more deeply and richly and live for Him more faithfully. Since human experience in all its rich variety is a good gift from the Creator who remains involved in his world, our curriculum explores all dimensions of creation. God’s design for the creation and His will for human society and culture must be understood and obeyed. This is the way of godly wisdom. Students are taught to recognize the brokenness that sin brings to God’s carefully designed world and are challenged to bring the healing power of Jesus Christ to a fallen world.

Our Story: WMC History

Looking Back



Western Michigan Christian High School is owned and operated by the parents and friends to whom it serves. The idea of a Christian high school in western Michigan was in the minds and hearts of a group of God-fearing parents as early as 1942.




By parents from three area Christian elementary schools desiring Christian education through the twelfth grade. These three schools were: Fremont Christian, Grand Haven Christian, and Muskegon Christian; they were joined shortly thereafter by New Era Christian. These schools were united by a desire for Christian education from a Reformed perspective.


September 6, 1949


The school doors were opened to 125 students and eight staff.

Over the years, WMC has had several building projects to match both growing enrollment and athletic success.

September 6, 1949


Building Addition

A combination gym/auditorium was added, along with a commons area, kitchen facilities, and more classrooms.



Field Addition

Performance soccer field (still used today) and a track.



New Campus

WMC moved to the Ellis Road campus.



Building Addition

Performance and practice gymnasiums added to Ellis Road facilities.



Middle School Added

WMC added a middle school to the campus. This added approximately 50 students and four staff to the school population.


Field & Building Additions

New soccer field, baseball field and track. Two new additional middle school classrooms including a science lab.

Faith Statement

  • We believe in one eternal God as revealed in the Bible as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.
  • We believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God. lt is the standard by which we measure our faith and practice.
  • We believe that humanity has been separated from God through sin. The brokenness of the world was caused by humanity’s disobedience.
  • We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe he was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, died for us and our salvation, rose from the dead, ascended to the right hand of the Father, and he shall return in power and glory.
  • We believe salvation is given only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ is Lord over all creation and all subject areas.
  • We believe that our faith guides our learning and practice. Furthermore, our faith calls us to action. Believers are called to spread the good-news of Jesus Christ and impact our world for God’s glory.


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