Western Michigan Christian

Why WMC?

Our Unique Learning Environment

Diverse Community

Western Michigan Christian High School’s mission is to educate with excellence, integrate faith with knowledge, and equip students to work and serve Christ in their communities.

Christ is the center of everything we do at WMC:

  • It’s not just prayer, chapel and bible study. It’s Christ and a Biblical perspective integrated into academics.
  • It’s journaling how a character from Macbeth compares to what scripture says about our character.
  • It’s seeing the order of creative design in math when studying algebraic equations.
  • It’s a cheer coach, who teaches her team to put on the full armor of God in athletics and in life.

WMC is Culturally Diverse:

Located in Norton Shores, WMC is truly a school comprised of all God’s people from five countries, 36 local and international cities and 95 churches.

As a World Class School, WMC annually hosts students from several countries around the world including China, Korea South Africa, Spain, and Vietnam. Through the years this has enabled WMC to share Christ and culture across the Globe while offering our students the opportunity to enjoy a culturally diverse student body.

WMC is a 7 – 12 Model:

  • At WMC we serve grades seven through twelve.
  • Research and feedback indicates grade 7 and 8 students actually act in a more mature and responsible manner.
  • Our High School is student-centered with excellent Safe Schools, Small Group Spiritual Development, and other programs that support social, emotional, spiritual and academic needs and we have not seen any issues with grades 7-12 in one building.
  • The 7-12 model provides access for grade 7 and 8 students to specialized programs in art, music, science, technology and other specialty areas and there are reach-ahead opportunities for grade 7and 8 students.
  • There are some discrete spaces for each group of students such as classrooms, washrooms, halls/wings/floors of the building and we have some differentiated timetables for start times, lunch hours, gymnasium times, and chapel times. We also have shared spaces for students including the cafeteria, library, art room, media center, hallways and gymnasiums.
  • Our 7th and 8th grade students have greater access to guidance, and our Educational Support Services initiatives that are directed at grade 7-12 to meet the needs of students.
  • Our High School students are positive role models, mentors, and tutors. We provide increased Community Service hours for high school students to support younger students.
  • More opportunities exist for cross-age activities such as tutoring and older role model programs in schools with a broad span of grades levels. Our 7-12 configuration allows for more collaboration among teachers across grade levels and better alignment of curriculum across grades.
  • Researchers believe that making a change in the 7th grade gives students more time to acclimate to new surroundings before credit accumulation begins.
  • We offer joint activities such as multiple All-School Chapels, Spirit Week activities, and All-School Service Project

Educational Philosophy

Students in Western Michigan Christian School will understand that knowledge is not independent of faith nor that faith is independent of knowledge. Therefore, they will understand that: ­ In the beginning God created all things, and they were good. The world is God’s kingdom; all creation reflects God’s glory and belongs to God. ­ God created humans in His image as whole persons, embracing the spiritual, physical, social, emotional, intellectual and aesthetic. We have a responsibility to develop all areas of our lives. ­

God more clearly reveals Himself in the Bible but also shows Himself through the created world, through society and through ourselves. God continues to be active in creation; when we observe and interact with the world, we are observing and interacting with what God is doing. ­ Because humans disobeyed God, we, and our relation with all of creation, is affected by sin. Since the fall people have misused God’s world, turning themselves away from God and His purposes. ­ God has begun to restore all of creation through Christ’s birth, death, resurrection, ascension and outpouring of the Holy Spirit; it will be fully restored when Christ comes again to rule forever. ­ Out of thankfulness for Christ’s gift of salvation and with the power of the Holy Spirit, it is our responsibility to spread the Good News and to build God’s Kingdom by sharing His love, making disciples of all nations, practicing stewardship, enjoying His image in creation, showing mercy and working for justice.

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