Western Michigan Christian


Dean’s Update Fall 2019

Dear WMC Parents,

Our students are such a blessed gift straight from God.

It’s part of what makes this calling as a leader such a high one. We are entrusted to become part of the story of young adults who belong to our Heavenly Father. 

This past month has been a challenging one with the “home going” of a beloved colleague, teacher, and friend. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of Brian Vredevoogd, aka Mr. V, but I am so grateful for the promises that the Lord gives us that we will see Mr. V again one day. This community that we all share truly demonstrates ABC (Authentic Biblical Community), our theme for this year. 

We had two evenings of Parent-Teacher Conferences in these past few weeks that provided the opportunity for parents and teachers to dialogue about this important partnership that we have with each other. Thank you to all who were able to attend. We also had two days this past month which allowed teachers the opportunity to attend the annual Christian Educators Association (CEA) conference.  This year we headed to Indiana with 1,100 other Christian educators.

November always seems to be a month of transitions. We see the reality of where we are in the school year (already completed one trimester, 33% of the year already over for seniors, students wondering about post-high school action steps, fall sports season wrapping up and winter sports beginning).  This transition hits students in a variety of ways. After trimester one, it is a good time to redirect students who might not be learning all that we desire for them to learn. This redirection might be a skill issue or it might be a will issue. Good communication in a variety of ways (student to teacher, teacher to student, student to parent, parent to student, teacher to parent, parent to teacher) is vital to achieving our curriculum goals. This might come as a suggestion from a parent or from a teacher that a transition might be needed for them in how they are approaching their studies.

I want to wish you all a great season of Thanksgiving. As you think about preparing your table for Thanksgiving, keep in mind all the wonderful things God has given to us.  We really do have so much to be thankful for as a school community. I am thankful for your child(ren), I am thankful for our fantastic teachers and I am thankful for our partnership with you in their educational experience.

Thanks for all you do,

Dr. Taylor

WMC Dean of Instruction

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