Western Michigan Christian


Project Grace Day 9 Devotional: The Righteous Person

Day 9 | The Righteous Person | Proverbs 21:26

All day long he craves for more,
    but the righteous give without sparing.

What does it look like to be a righteous person?

Who in the Bible is a great example of being a righteous individual? When I think of a righteous individual in scripture, my mind immediately goes to Job. Throughout the entire book you see Job rejoice in his sufferings, praise the Lord in the midst of his trails, and never cease to prove his commitment to God. All of these faithful attributes are rooted in Job’s unwavering faith and love of the Lord our God. Job gave all of his praises, time, effort, hope, and love to God without holding anything back. His love was the foundation of his readiness to give his ALL to God. This is because without love, all of his faithful actions would have been empty actions merely out of withholding some “moral standard.”


  • In Ephesians 2:10, Jesus reminds us that we are his handiwork. We are created to look like him, how will we look more like him today?
  • How can be humble as Job was humble?


  1. Join us at the GALAXY NIGHT basketball games Friday December 15. Girls Varsity at 5:30 and Boys Varsity 7pm. Galaxy Glow Sticks will be sold to benefit Project Grace and donations will be accepted at the games.
  2. Donate gift tags and tape for Project Grace gift wrapping. Tags and tape can be dropped off at the WMC office.
  3. Find a WMC student or staff member and give a donation to them.
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