Western Michigan Christian


Senior Service Project: Blood Drive

On March 7, seniors Izzy Brower and Autumn Alderink coordinated a blood drive through the Versiti Blood Center of Michigan.

“Thank you so much for hosting the blood drive. It was so AWESOME! These results were incredible and it included 22 new donors,” said Caitlin Gallagher, Senior Account Representative at Versiti, “I hope Izzy and Autumn got a lot out of this project and found it to be a meaningful part of their senior year.”

Izzy and Autumn set their goal at 24 donations. They had 35 registered donors that included 26 whole blood donations, and 3 double red donations which brought the total donations to 32.

Each blood donation can save a life through platelets, red blood cells and plasma.

This blood drive saved 81 lives in our community!

Thanks to all the Warrior staff and students and the community members who took the time and effort to donate.


Western Michigan Christian (WMC) High School and Middle School (7-12th) is located at 455 East Ellis Rd. Muskegon, including 355 students from 8 countries, 35 cities, and 75 churches. WMC is a member of West Michigan Christian Schools(WMCS), a collaborative system of five schools throughout the Lakeshore region, including Fremont Christian (PK-8), Grand Haven Christian (PK-8), Muskegon Christian (PK-6). The WMCS system works under a “Better Together” philosophy, offering a top-quality PK-12 Christian Education experience and a full scope of academic and extracurricular programs. Please >> click here to contact WMCS.



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