Western Michigan Christian


TOP ACADEMICS: Mrs. Dykstra’s 7th grade Project Lead the Way

Mrs. Dykstra’s 7th grade Project Lead the Way class studies science, technology, and math as they relate to problem-solving and project-based learning.

The skimmer project allowed students to define a problem, generate a concept, design and model, build and test, evaluate and present.

Students took a look at the problem of movement and the concept of a skimmer that is made of paper and can be propelled and skimmed across a surface. Each student had the same plan and materials in order to design and build their skimmer.

The students tested their skimmers in the gym and collected data during which they did test runs for their skimmer and then recorded the distance of skims. 


Mrs. Dykstra led the students in their analysis which included class discussions of the experience and then the students conducted their analysis by reviewing their design, build and skim results data. “It’s exciting to see students learning, processing, and working to see a problem, get to a solution, analyze data and be able to make adjustments.”

Mia reviewed her skimmer performance and reflected on a problem, “The wings were too flappy and made the skimmer turn to the side.” When asked what she could do to improve on this she said, “I think I would give the wings more support with something like tape.”

These types of projects allow students to learn while also developing problem solving skills they can apply in other classes and life situations they will encounter.


Western Michigan Christian (WMC) High School and Middle School (7-12th) is located at 455 East Ellis Rd. Muskegon, including 355 students from 8 countries, 35 cities, and 75 churches. WMC is a member of West Michigan Christian Schools(WMCS), a collaborative system of four schools throughout the Lakeshore region, including Fremont Christian (PK-8), Grand Haven Christian (PK-8), Muskegon Christian (PK-6). The WMCS system works under a “Better Together” philosophy, offering a top-quality PK-12 Christian Education experience and a full scope of academic and extracurricular programs. Please >> click here to contact WMCS.

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