Western Michigan Christian


Western Michigan Christian: PROJECT GRACE 2017 Kick-Off

WMC’s Annual Service Project

Pastor Samuel Greer Kicks-Off Project Grace To Students


Project Grace is one of WMC’s biggest fundraisers and acts of compassion at our school! Each year during the Christmas season, we raise money to support local families in our area who cannot afford to provide gifts to their families for Christmas. As a school, we want to grow in what it means to be a servant.


  • Daily Giving from Students: During 2nd hour each day, an envelope will be passed around in each classroom. Money is collected for the total. At the end of the 2 weeks, the classroom with the most money will go shopping for gifts for families. Then we will deliver those gifts to families in need. 
  • Other ways to raise funds:
    • The best way is to sacrifice! Donate your shopping money, chore, babysitting or your coffee money as an offering.
    • You may also ask family and friends. We do ask that you don’t ask local businesses without first emailing Tyler Ingalls to check if they already support WMC. We don’t want to over ask.  Email Tyler by clicking here >>.
    • Group Fundraising Events: Attend the Galaxy Night Varsity Basketball Games on
      Friday, December 15, where the WMC Green Machine is hosting “Galaxy Night” in which we are selling Glow Sticks to benefit Project Grace! There will be a collection of donations at halftime! Go Warriors! Donations Needed: Tape, Bows, and Wrapping Paper! We are asking for students bring in tape, wrapping and bows to help wrap the gifts we have for our families! Please drop these off at the main office!


Daily Devotions: “For The Right Reason”: Our theme this year is “For The Right Reason” – we want to emphasize that Project Grace is not about us, or even the people we are serving. Rather, we offer grace, simply, because Jesus offered us grace first! To this end, we will have a daily devotion in our 1st-hour classes. These devotions are written by WMC students and are to encourage us to think deeper about generosity, giving, and grace!


Students can bring money to their second-hour class any day, however, there are little class competitions that happen on 4 different days throughout the week as an added incentive. Key Dates & Days of Giving:

  • Tuesday, Dec 5: Winning Class Receives Donuts!
  • Thursday, Dec 7: Winning Class Receives Ice Cream!
  • Tuesday, Dec 12: Winning Class Receives Pizza!
  • Thursday, Dec 14: Winning Class Receives Buffalo Wild Wings!
  • Monday, December 18: Shopping Day with teachers to buy gifts.
  • Tuesday, December 19: Wrapping day.
  • Wednesday, December 20: Winning classes will deliver gifts in the morning!
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