Western Michigan Christian


WMC Puts Interim Leadership Team in Place for 2022-23

Clyde Rinsema to Lead WMC Leadership Team

Clyde Rinsema comes to WMC with plenty of experience, including interim principal in Pella for the  2015-16 school year and in 2018 mentored a newly appointed principal at Chicago Christian High School. During his career he served as Secondary School Principal at Bradenton Christian school (1983-1988),  Principal at Pella Christian High School (1988-2002) and Timothy Christian High School (2002-2012).  

He holds a B.A. in Education and History from Trinity Christian College, an M.A. in Political Science and History from the College of St. Rose and obtained an Administrative Certification from the University of South Florida.

Clyde is excited at this opportunity, “Knowing the tradition of excellence at WMC and having grandchildren in the West Michigan Christian School system, I am excited to be a part of the transition to what God has planned for this school community.” Clyde will serve part-time in the role of Interim Principal.

Current WMC Admin Staff Serve as Leadership Team

In conjunction with Clyde Rinsema as Interim Principal for the 2022-2023 school year, we would like to name the Interim Leadership Team of Mrs. Jennifer Lewis, Mrs. Jodi Deur, and Mr. Mark Hill, who have agreed to exert their passion, time, and skills on behalf of WMC, its students, and families.

This team will work under the direction of Mr. Rinsema, and each will provide leadership
and direction in the following areas of the School’s operations:
● Mrs. Lewis: matters of curriculum and instruction
● Mrs. Deur: financial, tuition, and business matters
● Mr. Hill: care for student life and discipleship

This team and Mr. Rinsema will be working together immediately to develop an effective
interim model of leadership in preparation for an excellent 2022-2023 school year.

Please join the WMC Board in supporting this team with your encouragement and prayers.

Western Michigan Christian (WMC) High School and Middle School (7-12th) is located at 455 East Ellis Rd. Muskegon, including 355 students from 8 countries, 35 cities, and 75 churches. WMC is a member of West Michigan Christian Schools(WMCS), a collaborative system of five schools throughout the Lakeshore region, including Fremont Christian (PK-8), Grand Haven Christian (PK-8), Muskegon Christian (PK-6) and New Era Christian (PK-8). The WMCS system works under a “Better Together” philosophy, offering a top-quality PK-12 Christian Education experience and a full scope of academic and extracurricular programs. Please >> click here to contact WMCS.

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