Warrior Spanish Immersion
Western Michigan Christian High School and Middle School is the only academic institution in the area with a Spanish Immersion program. WMC supports continuing SI students that complete K-6 or K-8 Spanish immersion education at any of our WMCS feeder programs. Offered in both middle school and high school, WMC offers Language Arts and Bible classes taught only in Spanish as an extension, or “maintenance,” to continuing immersion studies.
(Right to left) WMC Ninth graders Joey Eastway, Ashton Leffering, Amaria Greer, Claire Doty, and Naomi Huttenger recite scripture in Mrs. Esteva’s Spanish Immersion Bible Class taught only in Spanish.
Growing Spanish Immersion Program
The 2019-2020 school year started with a total group of six 9th graders and eighteen 7th and 8th graders. Due to the WMCS feeder schools and their growing K-6th and K-8th grade SI programs, WMC’s Spanish Immersion program is projected to grow exponentially every year as these young SI students come up through the WMCS system.
An exciting byproduct of SI is that these students are not only learning a second language, they are also being introduced to a new culture. At WMC, Mrs. Victoria Esteva, aka “Senora,” has teaching experience from Santo Domingo and Punta Cana both in the Dominican Republic. Her classroom consists of fluent Spanish speakers demonstrating the prowess of mastering a second language.
WMC’s Dean of Instruction, Dr. Kristy Taylor shared, “I wish I could have had this experience as a student! It is so remarkable to sit in this class and hear everyone (teachers and students) speaking Spanish so naturally and learning in this environment. The accents are awesome!”
The Future Is Bright for College-Bound SI Students
The dept of instruction is actively engaging with institutions of higher learning to carve a pathway for post-HS development as it relates to Spanish Immersion. This fall, WMC’s Administrator Pastor Samuel Greer and WMC Dean of Instruction, Dr. Taylor met with a couple of colleges to partner with when it comes to Spanish Immersion.
Stay tuned for details in 2020!
CLICK HERE to learn more about the K-12 Spanish Immersion Program at West Michigan Christian Schools.
CLICK HERE for more information about continuing SI at WMC MS or HS.
Western Michigan Christian (WMC) High School and Middle School (7-12th) is located at 455 East Ellis Rd. Muskegon, including 360 students from 5 countries, 30 cities, and 75 churches. WMC is a member of West Michigan Christian Schools (WMCS), a collaborative system of five schools throughout the Lakeshore region, including Fremont Christian (PK-8), Grand Haven Christian (PK-8), Muskegon Christian (PK-6) and New Era Christian (PK-8). The WMCS system works under a “Better Together” philosophy, offering a top-quality PK-12 Christian Education experience and a full scope of academic and extracurricular programs.